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Who is the app for?


The app is for all Supported Living and Community Support staff.


What is the app used for?


The app will allow you to log all the support visits you do so you don’t need to complete a timesheet.  It also has a number of other functions including:


  • Recording visit feedback

  • Accessing support plans

  • Accessing risk assessments

  • Accessing other important information


Do I need a smart phone to use the app?


You will need either a smartphone or a tablet device


Do I need to be connected to the internet to use the app?


No.  You can use the app without internet access, and as soon as you reach a wifi area all the relevant information will upload and download.


Do I need to activate location services on my device?


Yes, but don’t worry, your device will prompt you to do this and it’s easy.


Do I have to use the device that I register with?


Yes you do.  If you change your device you must download the app again and register the new device


What happens if my phone runs out of battery or the app stops working?


We do expect staff to be prepared for their working day and have their phone charged, however if your phone or the app suddenly stop working, you must complete a 'Failure to book on and off' form as soon as possible. The form can be found on the staff section of the website.


When do I book on and book off?


You will need to book on when the support visit starts and then book off at the end of the visit.  It’s a good idea to think of it as clocking in and out, although there is some leeway either side of the visit.


I just tried to end the visit but the app says I need to complete visit feedback


That’s right, you can’t end the visit without first completing visit feedback.  Remember, writing visit feedback is part of support and should be done with the service user at the end of a visit during support time.


Someone told me that you can speak into your device instead of actually typing in visit feedback.  Is that right?


Yes, that’s right.  Instead of typing you can press the microphone button on your keyboard and speak.  Mobizio will write what you say.  You can keep pausing and starting again and also correct any mistakes using the keyboard as usual.  Try it.


I work in supported living and sometimes I might support someone for 3 hours on a  1:1 basis, and then go straight on to supporting another service user on a 1:1 basis or support people on shared hours.  Will I have to log all of these calls separately?


Yes you will I'm afraid.  You will have to log the calls as you see them on your timesheet.


What about sleep-ins?


Sleepins will have to be logged separately too when they begin and end.


HELP! - the app doesn't seem to be working!


Please try the following:


  • Make sure you are connected to the internet

  • Resync the app

  • Make sure you're using the most up to date version of the app (check on Google Play or App Store)

  • Make sure your mobile device is using the most up to date software (in your devices 'Settings')

  • Try uninstalling the app and then reinstalling

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