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supported living service users enjoying a day out


We currently provide support at a number of supported living schemes across Nottingham. Our supported living service enables adults with a learning disability or autism to live more independently in a small shared environment - usually three or four like-minded people living together. Each person has their own bedroom in the property but shares some communal spaces with the other tenants and also shares the cost of household bills. 


Supported living is an alternative to residential care. The main difference is that with supported living the housing and the support are kept separate so a person lives in a property owned either by a private landlord or housing association, but receives support from a support provider such as JRH Support. This enables the person to claim a number of benefit payments that make them better off financially than they would be in a residential care setting. 


The most important thing about supported living is that the support a person receives matches their needs, and if their needs change the support can also be changed. 


Our staff team support people to:


  • Develop everyday living skills, including cooking, cleaning and shopping

  • Maintain their tenancy, including budgeting and looking after the property

  • Access local and wider community facilities

  • Meet new people and develop friendships

  • Develop independent travel skills where appropriate

  • Make choices about how they want to live their lives

  • Access training and employment opportunities

  • Access leisure activities​

  • Receive personal care, and manage the safe administration of their medication

  • Move on to more independent living such as a single person flat, where appropriate

A short film made by our service users about their experience of supported living at JRH.

Tailoring Support


Our supported living service is tailored to each individual person, and we make sure they are always at the centre of the support we provide.  Our aim is to meet their needs and aspirations and help them to live life to the full.


In supported living, people are usually allocated a set number of weekly 1:1 support hours and also shared support hours, and a member of staff remains at the property overnight, either as a 'sleep-in' staff or a waking night staff.

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